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Have you ever bought a new Bible with the hopes of reading it?

Have you ever started a "read the Bible in one year plan " only to abandon it after a month?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. I have been there, I can't count the number of times I bought a new Bible with high hopes only to abandon it weeks later.

My word for 2020 is ABIDE. What does it mean to abide? It means to dwell, to reside or to live somewhere. The only way I can abide in the presence of God is to study His word and apply it to my life. My goal is to spend 30 dedicated minutes daily in the presence of God, if you are new to my blog click here for a quick introduction about me. The current season I am in right now is a busy one and it is so easy to lose track of time.

Here are things that I have done that makes me enjoy spending time with God

SET A SPECIFIC TIME: When it comes to spending time with God you will have to make it a priority because it is not something that will come easily to you. There are no rules that says you have to do it in the morning. Personally I prefer night time. Being the planner that I am I had to make a calendar appointment in the beginning that way I know the time has been blocked. Setting a time also helps in making it a habit.

START WITH WHAT YOU HAVE: Before you go and buy yet another Bible start with the one you currently have and try to commit to it for at least a month. The first couple of times might be difficult, press on it gets better. Start with 5 uninterrupted minutes and build on that, before you know it you are spending more time in God's presence.

GET WHAT YOU NEED: After committing to your current Bible for a month if you like the version you have, great! But if you don't check out and read your favorite chapter in different versions to see the one that suits you. Initially I had the King James version and let me tell you I was lost with the "thou" and the likes of it. Then I got the Message Bible and I still wasn't feeling it, eventually I bought the New Living Translation (Journaling Bible) and I am in love. In case you are interested in the same Bible you can buy it here, (it is currently out of stock :( ) there is a similar one on amazon. Most of my devotionals and materials are from dayspring.

HOW TO DETERMINE WHAT TO READ : This was one area I struggled with, the best approach here is to pray and ask God for guidance. You will be amazed by how one verse that you have read all your life will have a whole new meaning when you read it again. Another way to decide what to read would be reading about different areas of your life you find challenging. For example if you

struggle with unforgiveness read about it and pray the Lord shows you how to deal with it. You can also buy devotionals or you can get a reading plan about unforgiveness in the Bible app.

HAVE FUN WITH IT : Time spent in the presence of God is never wasted. Make it fun by putting things in place so that you look forward to spending time with Him. I enjoy a cup of coffee or tea depending on what time of day it is. I set the mood by playing worship music, I also have a dedicated spot in my closet that I use. I journal, I sing, I pray, I talk about my day and sometimes I cry if it has been one of those

Remember the goal here is to make progress, the more time you spend with with God the more time you will want to spend with Him. There is nothing like the presence of God.

I hope by sharing this I have been able to inspire you.


Disclosure: None of the links above are affiliate links.

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Dami Ogunsanya
Dami Ogunsanya
09 abr 2020

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